Monthly Archives: September 2012

Short Putts

I recently played with an amateur golfer suffering from the short putts syndrome or as
some people relate to as the “yips”. After observing a few holes, I asked him what are
you thinking about when you stand over the ball on putts inside of 4 feet? He replied,
“Keeping the stroke smooth and the same length of back swing vs the follow thru”.
Sounds like a good practice thought, but only in practice. He lost his confidence, since
he missed a few of these in previous games.

Replace the mechanical thoughts in game scenarios and replace with “this is in the
bottom”! Fear of missing those putts lead to mechanical thoughts resulting in increased
grip pressure, heart rate and less feel.

Do you want to feel like the left photo or the right one?

Short Putts

Check out my web site for more tips, rules questions and plenty more!